Migrating from Magento 1 to Magento 2

Migration to Magento 2 involves four components: data, extensions, themes, and customizations. Just like an upgrade between 1.x versions, the level of effort to migrate from Magento 1 to Magento 2 depends upon how you have built your site and its level of customization. Initial estimates indicate that an average Magento 2 migration is only about 20% larger than a Magento 1.x upgrade.
Before you getting decision to migrate your current site to Magento, please take read these blog post to get more informations about Magento 2
Some common SEO mistakes in new Magento 2
How to install Magento 2 on XAMPP?
Staying with Magento 1.x or Upgrading to Magento 2.0?
Significant Changes in the Magento 2 Admin Panel
To have a successful migration, please use the following guidelines:
Build and test Magento 2
To prepare for the migration, make sure you do all of the following:
Set up a Magento 2.0 system using a topology and design that at least matches your existing Magento 1 system
To provide redundancy in the event of unexpected issues, we advise you to replicate your Magento 1.x database and use this Magento 1.x data for your migration
Install Magento 2 on a system that meets our system requirements
Start your migration
Make sure that the Data Migration Tool has a network access to connect to Magento 1 and Magento 2 databases. Open ports in your firewall.
Stop all activity in the Magento 1.x Admin Panel (except for order management, such as shipping, creating invoice, credit memos etc.)
NOTE: Activity cannot resume until your Magento 2 store goes live.
Stop all Magento 1.x cron jobs.
Use the migration tool to migrate settings and websites.
Copy your Magento 1.x media files to Magento 2.0. (You must copy these manually from magento1-root/media to magento2-root/pub/media)
Use Data Migration Tool to migrate your data from Magento 1 database to Magento 2 database. If some of your extensions have data you want to migrate, you might need to install these extensions adapted for Magento 2. In case the extensions have a different structure in Magento 2 database, use the mapping files provided with the Data Migration Tool.
Use the magento indexer:reindex command to reindex all indexers.
Thoroughly test your Magento 2.0 site.
Incremental updates
Now that you’ve migrated your data, you must incrementally capture data updates that are added in Magento 1 store (such as new orders, reviews and changes in customer profiles) and migrate it to Magento 2 store.
Start the incremental migration; updates run continually. You can stop the updates at any time by pressing CTRL+C
Test your Magento 2 site during this time so you can catch any issues as soon as possible. In case you find any issues, press Control+C to stop incremental migration and start it again after issues are resolved
Go live
Now that your Magento 2 site is up-to-date with Magento 1 and is functioning normally, do the following to cut over to the new site:
Put your Magento 1 system in maintenance mode (DOWNTIME STARTS).
Press Control+C in the migration tool command window to stop incremental updates.
Start your Magento 2 cron jobs.
In your Magento 2 system, reindex the stock indexer using the command magento indexer:reindex cataloginventory_stock.
Using a tool of your choice, hit pages in your Magento 2 system to cache pages in advance of customers using your storefront.
Perform any final verification of your Magento 2 site.
Change DNS, load balancers, and so on to point to new production hardware (DOWNTIME ENDS)
Magento 2 store is ready to use. You and Your customers can resume all activities.
For full information please see the complete Migration Guide
Are you in need of migration Magento 1.x to Magento 2?
We have a great team of Magento experts who work hard and catch up the new trend of technology. If you want to migrate your existing Magento websites to the latest Magento 2 environment or build new eCommerce websites on Magento 2, please contact us here.